Thursday, June 28, 2007

8 random facts about me:

I was tagged by Lesley...

1) I sleep with the covers over my head in 90+ degree weather
2) I hang on the Skiffy boards all day long (
3) I wish I was a Superhero...and sometimes I act like one
4) I am the oldest of SEVEN
5) I believe in Mermaids
6) I judge people on their intelligence (I know...very bad)
7) I make up pretend interviews with Oprah in my head...
8) I was an Amazon, a dying princess, and a tribal chief in my former lives...or so I've been told.

I am going to tag 8 random people:
(8 people whom I might add may not do this at all but if they did, I would like to know 8 random things about them...)

Frank Warren
The guys at UFO Iconoclast(s)
R. Lee
Mac Tonnies
Paul Kimball
Derek/Sharon Gilbert
Philip Gardiner


LesleyinNM said...

I love those! Thanks for taking the time!

Regan Lee said...

Tina, I took you up on it.