IT'S VERY RARE THAT SOMEONE AS PROMINENT AS RICHARD DOLAN WILL SPEAK OUT ABOUT THE VAGARIES OF UFOLOGY, which is why this interview is so refreshing. Dolan says what we are all thinking regarding the certain 'characters' that pervade Ufological circles. I mean, everyone has their quirks and it's best not to knock them for being different. Quirky people make the world go 'round. Myself included... but as Dolan so eloquently puts it, you gotta tone it down.
We all bitch and moan about how Ufology isn't being taken serious. About how the mainstream pokes fun at Abduction scenarios and mass sightings. Everyone's just going bonkers, they say. Which is why it pays to represent the field with a certain austerity. You can't show up to a UFO conference looking like the crazy uncle who lives in the shed in the back yard.
Even if you ARE the crazy uncle who lives in the shed in the back yard.
The fact is simple, fake it till you make it. But mostly, as Dolan touches on and makes a fair example, in regards to his own good health, good health and hygiene, not to mention having a life outside of the field, is essential.
When it comes to Ufological studies, there seem to be way too many kooks in the kitchen, no matter how intelligent, no matter how enigmatic, if the mental health isn't up to par that can be a problem too.
I honestly, truly enjoyed this recording. Everything I myself considered a hinderance to our goal of seeking and finding answers to our greatest mystery is touched upon by Dolan and it is refreshing. In sum total, he is right: We do need brave, articulate people representing. Damaged people who need to look deeper into their own inner conflicts are perhaps not the best people to represent this on-going enigma.
I'm not judging. Neither is Dolan. But let's face it... the World-At-Large is!!!
Haven't had a chance to listen but will soon! Love Dolan, one of the best. Love your line about the crazy uncle in the shed. I linked to it on the Orb.
Hello Regan!!! Yes, he is one of the best! You gotta listen to it! And thanks :)
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