Sunday, October 25, 2009

ABC's 'V' reboot

I am not exactly clear as to why ABC has a 'problem' with 'V'. The claim is they don't think people are into epic Alien invasion stories. I'd like to ask them who exactly it was that thought a show about idiots on an island that may or may not be another dimension or whatever other crap J-Brams can come up with, was a good idea. The fact that 'LOST' even has ratings should prove that 'V' is on the right network. But still, there are misgivings. Apparently ABC will air 3 episodes and if it looks like anyone's watching, they'll air the rest. Whatever.

Here are the first 8 minutes. It looks promising, and it'd be a shame if ABC doesn't have any high hopes for such a venture. If todays tv viewing audience can get through a few seasons of LOST, I think they can get through anything.

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