Thursday, February 04, 2010

Intelligence has left the building

"Giovanni is a ten foot tall Extraterrestrial from Planet ITALIA. He enjoys long space rides through the Andromeda Galaxy, learning new Alien languages and eating exotic Martian Wildlife. He's looking for a human female, preferably a blonde. Someone who doesn't care that he may or may not be a hermaphrodite or that he moves his bowels from an entirely different part of his anatomy. Giovanni loves to wear Hawaiian shirts and denim cutoff's because they make him feel 'human'. For more info on how you can meet Giovanni, the 10ft tall extraterrestrial who somehow resembles a normal Italian Dude on vacation, please contact Michael Salla..."

Yeah. Right now it's well passed 1 am and here I am, wondering where all the nut jobs come from. Is there a special baby factory that only manufactures nut jobs? Do the robotic hands at this particular baby factory hand pick specific genes and then shuffle them like a deck of playing cards; throwing them on the table and hoping for the best?

Is there some cosmic law that states there must always be nut jobs around to keep the balance? Either way, what ever happened to the good old days when nut jobs were backwoods hicks? All a'sudden nut jobs have PhD's and they convince large groups of people (most commonly referred as Homo Jackassis), that their brand of freak is good.

Well, every once in a while, some one new is inducted into my own personal 'Nut Job Hall of FAIL', and I must say, congratulations to Michael Salla, because dude...sometimes you feel like a nut.

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