Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Curiouser and curiouser...

The picture above depicts what is considered by some to be an Ancient Astronaut. There's a few of them standing there, actually. Up until last night, I always perceived the squiggly lines on either side of the first figure to be representations of serpents. But now I am almost positively certain they are representations of either a force field or some kind of energy being expelled from the beings body.

The ANGELS of the Bible were described as glowing, or emanating a sort of energy that was later depicted in the guise of HALO's. I wonder if this isn't the same kind of energy. Anyhow, I came to this conclusion early this morning, after a dream in which I was approached by beings in armor of some type. They were emitting a shimmery, almost mirage-like energy from their bodies.

Maybe next time I won't eat so late at night. Maybe...

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