Monday, August 18, 2014


Aaron Goodwin of  Ghost Adventures show on the Travel Channel was fired for admitting the show was a con. As if any of us didn't already know.

1 comment:

Rich said...

These types of shows are not so scientific at all anyway. Perhaps a bit entertaining to some or at times...reality is though, not scientific. It is hard to study things that are not as easily studied as things are in a lab, etc. This is a big problem obviously in getting to study many anomalous things. Are there ghosts? We don't even KNOW EXACTLY what the world is and such...nevermind wondering about ghosts, etc. Well, not that we cannot wonder or entertaingly study this stuff (laugh here), but imagine one icon on your computer screen trying to study the other icon (or one period trying to study a comma on the screen or something like this)....would any of them ever KNOW what it itself is or the other icon (or whatever) and what exactly is going on and how the environement and all is being created, etc????????....pretty tough position to be in....this seems to be the worlds's (our) position. All well, but that should not stop is from trying and it hasn't....this is a good thing, if done scientifically as possible. If done with whatever, saying whatever, sure we'll get answers.....of whatever...with a capital W H A T E V E R. Soothing to the masses or some people but by and large useless. But hey, ignorance is bliss for many....perhaps it is the only thing we will all ever know though. I don't know.