Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Gods and their MAN PURSES...

The Annunaki were gods of ancient Sumeria, and they wielded some pretty wicked power. The power to give rise to human society, from speech to a written language. Or so our historians say. We all know that this is all subjective, but sometimes, there are just certain things that turn up that make you wonder who the hell we are and what went on in our past.

The flying gods in things shooting across the skies that are subject to interpretation can make you wonder, but then their are things like these:

The manpurses are all over the place. Are they some fashion-forward statement of the gods? Do they hold the key to some kind of ancient technology? I mean, these guys never wore shirts and always wore skirts. Maybe it was a 'look' they were going for.

Okay, I am kidding. But things like this make me want to smack skeptics, because it's a zillion percent apparent the Annunaki new the Olmecs and so on. These things don't catch on so easily in a past that didn't have internet. So, what were our ancestors up to? Did they carry tri-corders? Were their manpurses actually boxes for them to control their starships?

I could go on all night. But honestly, I'm thinking, if those things existed, someone's gotta dig one up sooner or later. And yeah, maybe the Smithsonian will confiscate it and hide it...but the Smithsonian is only a building. Ya dig?

You can read more here.


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I can tell you all of you that the hand purses /bags etc,, are neither of those things, they represent the ones chosen by god, they mean a connection to the throne of divine power, the chosen ones

Noel said...

Perhaps a portable power source similar to the Arch of the Covenant.

Noel said...

Perhaps a portable power source similar to the Arch of the Covenant.